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Private Scholarships for College Students Philippines 2023
Private Scholarships are the best way to equalize Education Opportunities, Most of them are looking for Scholarship that may help them to pay for Educational Assistance and other expenses such as Books, Transportation, Food, Housing Allowance, Tuition Fees and other related Expenses.
Here you will get list of Private Scholarship which are open for College Students in the Philippines, Apply for Scholarship According to your Benefits, Please read the Complete Article to get Details about Scholarship Benefits, Requirements and Deadline to Apply.
List of Private Scholarships For College Students
Here are the List of Private Scholarship in the Philippines for College Students:
- TeachStem College Scholarship
- Hawak Kamay Scholarship
- Security Bank Foundation Scholarship
- Gold Eagle College Scholarship
- Searca Scholarship 2023
- Uygongco Foundation Scholarship
- Charity First Foundation Scholarship
- DOH Scholarship Program
- DCWD College Scholarship
- DOST Scholarship Application and
- STI College Scholarship
- Aboitiz College Scholarship
- Megaworld Scholarship 2023
How to Apply Private Scholarship in the Philippines
1. TeachStem College Scholarship
GokongWei Brothers Foundation is open and accepting application for the TeachStem College Scholarship for the Year 2023 to 2024. Interested Students may Submit Application Now
Benefits of TeachStem College Scholarship
The Benefits of TeachStem College Scholarship provides a fixed Annual Grant of:
- Grant of P65,000 for State Students Universities and
- Grant of P85,000 For Private Universities Students
Gokongwei Bothers Foundation offer scholar of total 142 Slots are available for both GBF TeachStem Scholarships for academic year 2023 – 2024
Priority Courses for TechStem Scholarship
Find the list of Priority Couses listed below as follows
- Bachelor of Secondary Education Major in:
- Math (BSEd Math)
- Science (BSEd Sci)
- Biology
- Physics
- Chemistry
- Bachelor of Elementary Education Major in:
- Science and Mathematics
- Mathematics (BEEd Math)
- Science and Health Education
- General Education
- General Curriculum
- Early Education
- Information Technology Courses:
- Bachelor of:
- Information, Technology (BITED) with Certificate in Elem, Junior HS & Senior HS Teaching
- Technology and Livelihood Economics
- Technology and Livelihood Education, Major in Information and Communication Technology
- Bachelor of:
- Technical-Vocational Teacher Educ Courses:
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Major in:
- Drafting Technology
- Civil Tecnology and Construction Technology
- Electronics Technology
- Automotive Technology
- Construction Technology
- Computer Systems Servicing
- Heating, Ventilating and Air-conditioning Technology
- Mechanical Technology
- Computer Programming
- Civil Technology
- Electrical Technology
- Computer Hardware Servicing
- Bachelor of Technical Vocational Major in:
How to Apply TechStem Scholarship program?
Those who are Interested to apply may click on the link TechStem Scholarship Application, Submit the Application with Required Documents.
2. Hawak Kamay Scholarship
HK – Hawak Kamay Scholarship 2023 is now open to apply for all Eligible Filipino Students, Hawak Kamay HK Scholarship is open for all incoming freshmen College Students, those will have an opportunity to get a Scholarship Grant will be vaild until he or she complet the Chosen College Course program with no maintain Grades for HK Scholarship.
HK Scholarship Phinma benefits
The Benefits of HK Scholarship given to studetns are listed as follows:
- A Scholarship grant of upto 75% Discount in Tution fees and Miscellanous Fees.
- (HK) – Hawak Kamay Scholarship is a 4 years College scholarship program
- He or She may Renew the Scholarship every Semester.
- No Maintain Grades are required to apply HK Scholarship.
How to Apply Hawak Kamay Scholarshiip?
Those who are interested can apply by using the link wich is given below, always Make sure that all the information and Documents you provide are true.
- Hk Online Application link for incoming Students – HK Scholarship Application
3. Security Bank Foundation Scholarship
Security Bank Scholarship program aims to Provide Educational assistance to the students who are underprivilleged but for the deserving students who are studying under security Bank Foundation Partner Schools.
Security Bank Scholarship Benefits
Here are the Following benefits per academic year and it will continue until he or she finishes tertiary Course.
- State Universities
- Tuition Fee – PHP 10,000/month for maximum of 10 School months.
- Miscellaneous Fees and Tuition Fees
- Private Universities
- Stipend of – PHP 5,000/month for maximum of 10 School months.
- Miscellaneous and Tuition fees Maximum of PHP 100,000/Year
Security Bank also provide Opportunities for internship and involvement in corporate social responsibility activities.
Security Bank Scholarship Partner Schools
Security Bank has 8 Partner Schools which are listed Below:
- Ateneo De Manila University
- Chiang Kai Shek College
- De La Salle University – Manila
- Far Eastern University – Manila
- Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
- Polytechnic University of the Philippines
- University of the Philippines – Diliman
- University of Santo Tomas
Security bank scholarship eligible courses
The Eligible courses of Security Bank are given below:
- Accountancy
- Accounting Information System/ Technology,
- Internal Auditing
- Marketing
- Financial Management
- Industrial Engineering
- Management Engineering
- Applied Mathematics
- Business Analytics – Statistics
- Data Science
- Computer Science – Technology
- Information Systems – Technology
What are the Security Bank Scholarship Eligibility?
To Be eligibil you need to have some eligibility Criteria to apply Security Bank Scholarship:
- He or She must be Graduating Grade 12 Student form Public or Private School.
- (GWA) General Weighted Average of at least 90%
- No Parents were employed or assigned in Security Bank
- There should not be any existing scholarship except discounts which is provided by schools.
- He or she Must enroll in any of the 8 Partner Schools in – NCR
Security Bank Scholarship application form
To Apply Security Bank Scholarship you need to Clik on the link Security Bank Scholarship Application, Fill out the online application with required documents and submit.
4. Gold Eagle College Scholarship
The Gold Eagle College Scholarship Grant is given to the incoming 1st year College Students, Which is offerd by Insular Foundation 6 Partner Schools, Gold Eagle College Scholarship program aims to support deserving students who are in need of Financial assistance to continue their Studies
Partner Schools
Here are the 6 Partner schools
- University of the Philippines – Diliman (UPD)
- 11 Students form UP Diliman,
- 2 For BS Mathematics
- 4 for BS Statistics and
- 5 for Science, Technology and
- Engineering Courses
- 3 Students each form any Science, Technology and Engineering Courses.
- Aurora State College of Technology(ASCOT)
- (BSU) – Benguet State University
- BISU – Bohol Island State University
- CMU – Central Mindanao University
- DORSU – Davao Oriental State University
Gold Eagle College Scholarship Benefits
Find the Gold Ealge College Scholarship Benefits:
- Each Scholar will receive financial assistance every semester
- Book Allowance
- Monthly Stipend
- Living Expenses and
- Transportation allowance
- Scholars who are Graduate will receive cash Incentives form Insular Foundation
Will have access to insular foundation network:
- Leadership training and
- Other Capacity – Building Programs
What are the Qualification requirements?
Those who are applying for schoalrship must follow the Qualification requirements:
- Open for Incoming First year College Students who are enrolled in the 6 Partner schools.
- Those who are enrolled in any of the STEM Courses Identified for Each Schools.
- Those who have Passed the Partner Schools admission test.
- GWA – General Weight average of 85% in Grade 11 and Grade 12 up to the First term or Second Grading period.
- Parents annual Gross income must not exceed P500,000.00 and for the UP Diliman must not exceed P250,000.00 for Provincial SUCs.
- They should not have any other scholarship Grant.
Scholarship Deadline
The Gold Eagle College Schoalrship Program is on September 10, 2023 Apply Before it ends
How to Apply Gold Eagle College Scholarship?
To Apply Gold Eagle College Scholarship Click on the Gold Eagle College Application Link, Submit the Application with required Documents before it ends.
5. Searca Scholarship 2023
The Searca Scholarship Graduate Study Program was established in the Year 1968 – 1969, The Graduate Study Program Focus on Widened to encompass institutional Growth, Networking and Services that will improve Graduate Education.
SEARCA Maintained relationships with education networks over the time, The SEARCA announced that the opening of application for the Graduate Scholarhsip Program for the year 2023 – 2024
The Graduate study and Research cernter in agriculture SEARCA – is a leading institution in promoting agricultural Development in Southeast Asia
Benefits of Searca Graduate Scholarship Program
Here are the Benefits of Searca Gradute Scholarship program:
- Tuition Fees,
- Travel Allowance,
- Thesis Allowance,
- Dissertation Support,
- Health Insurance,
- Stipend for:
- Food,
- Lodging and
- Incidental Expenses.
- Other related school Fees.
Deadline to apply SEARCA Scholarship?
The Deadline to apply SEARCA Graduate Scholarship is on August 15, 2023, Apply before it Ends.
How to Apply for SEARCA Graduate Scholarship Program?
Those who are interested to apply SEARCA Graduate Scholarship Program must clink on the link SEARCA Scholarship Application.
6. Uygongco Foundation Scholarship
PLM – Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila mission is to Provide quality education to deserving students who are from the City of Manila also form Other parts of the Philippines.
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila offers undergraduate, Graduate and Postgraduate program in various disciplines, this also include:
- Business Administration,
- Education,
- Engineering,
- Health Sciences,
- law,
- liberal arts and
- Social Sciences.
Benefits of PLM Scholarship
Benefis of PLM Scholarship are given to students who are nominated as follows:
- Fixed annual Financial Grants and
- He or She will get access to scholarship development Programs.
Deadline to apply PLM Scholarship Program
The Deadline to apply PLM Scholarship Program is on August 15, 2023.
How to apply PLM Scholarship Program?
Interested applicants may submit the fillied up application form and other document requirements (Copy of Scanned) thru Email to the Head of the Scholarship Committee, Mr. Rolando Cuico rollycuico@yahoo.com and in cc winnie.cuico@yahoo.com.
The Applicants who are qualified during the Preliminary Screening, Will be notified by the text message or with Email, by saying when they will conduct for interview by the Scholarship Committee via Video Confeencing on Zoom
Application Form of PLM Scholarship Program – APPLICATION FORM-2023-2024
7. Charity First Foundation Scholarship
CHARITY FIRST Foundation Scholarship is now open to Apply for the school year 2023 to 2024 Apply Now to be a part of Charity First Foundation scholarship Program (limited slots available)
Charity Foundation Scholarship Benefits
You can find the Scholarship Benefits of Charity First Foundation Scholarship:
- Graduation Fees
- Will get Desktop and Internet allowance
- Fieldtrips
- Texbook, Books allowance
- Daily Meal allowance
- Transportation Allowance
- School and OJT uniform
- life skills and motivational seminar and
- use of Charity first libraries and facilities
Qualifications of Charity First Foundation Scholarship
Here are the Qualification requirements to apply for Charity First Foundation Scholarship
- Those who are in economically need
- He or She must not have any other scholarship or a Educational assistance.
- They must be in a Metro Manila residence.
- Must not be living in a Dormitory.
- He or She must be an incoming 1st and 2nd year College Students.
- He or she must have passed the entrance exam of any 4 or 5 years courses Expect:
- Medicine
- Dentistry
- physical theraphy
- Tourism
- B.S interior Desigh
- Hotel and
- Restaurant Management
- General Weighted average of 2.25 (85%) or higher
- He or She must not have Below 75% or no falling Grades record.
- Applicants must be 21years old and Below
Charity First Foundation Documentary Requirements
You can find all the Documents which are going to required to apply Scholarship:
- Certificate true copy of complete Grades.
- School registration photocopy and orginal copy
- Utility bills photocopy a orginal Copy
- True Copy of Birth Certificate
- True Copy of Barangay Certificate of Indigency
- Autobiography
- Case Study report of DSWD – For Scholarship purposes only
- 2×2 pictures 2 copy with name tag
- Valid ID photocopy with signatures
- Sketh of Home address example – Start from a major landmark or street going to your house address. include street names and landmarks for easy identification.
How to apply Charity foundation Schoalrship?
Those who are interested to apply must submit their Documents to the Charity First office for initial screening, Those who are with incomplete Documents will not get the scholarship. All the Application will be screened with the Foundation’s requirements.
8. DOH Scholarship Program
(DOH) – Department of Health is a pre service Schoalrship 2023 to 2024 is open now to apply for the Filipino Students. DOH Scholarship program is to provide Educational and quality Health care services to the poor and vulnerable sectors in the Philippines.
DOH Scholarship service is availabe for students in:
- Medical Technology
- Pharmacy and
- Diploma in Midwifery
DOH Scholarship Benefits
Here are the DOH Scholarship pre service Program:
Diploma in Midwifery Scholarship Benefits:
He or She who receive Scholarship for Diploma in Midwifery will get a Total Annual amount of ₱235,200 as benefits are as follows:
- Tuition Fees of – ₱50,000
- Book Allowances of – ₱20,000
- For Uniform of – ₱6,000
- Miscellaneous Expenses – ₱14,000
- Living expenses – ₱67,200
- For Board and Lodging – ₱60,000
- Transportation expenses – ₱18,000
- Return Service – Sccholars are required to perform 1year of return service in DOH identified Priority areas for each year.
What are the Medical Technology and Pharmacy Benefits
Medical Technology and Pharmacy will receive a total annual allowance of ₱267,200 benefits given as follows:
- Tuition Fees – ₱80,000
- Book Allowances – ₱22,000
- For Uniform – ₱6,000
- Miscellaneous Expenses – ₱14,000
- Living expenses – ₱67,200
- For Board and Lodging – ₱60,000
- Transportation expenses – ₱18,000
- Return Service – Sccholars are required to perform 1year of return service in DOH identified Priority areas for each year.
How to Apply DOH Scholarship Program?
Those who are interested to apply, may apply Directly to the DOH Partner Schools of their Choice, Within Near by province or region of residence. you may find list of DOH partner Schools above.
- Download the DOH Medical Schoalrship Form
- Now Download the Scholars Commitment
9. DCWD College Scholarship
Those who are seekers for Scholarship, Good news for you, DCWD – Davao City Water District announces the scholarship availability of 15 DCWD College Scholarship for IPs – Indigenous People for school year 2023 to 2024 for students pursuing a College Degree at USEP – University of Southeastern Philippines
DCWD College Scholarship Benefits
You will find the benefits of DCWD College Scholarship 2023:
- Meal allowance given to students
- Transportation allowance
- Boarding house allowance
- Uniform or textbook allowance
- Education tour allowance
- Incentive for scholars
- Thesis allowance in graduating year
Number of Scholarship Slots avaiable in DCWD
The number of Slots availabe in DCWD College Scholarship is – 15
Qualification for DCWD Scholarship
Here are the qualification required to apply DCWD Scholarship
- Applicant must be 15 to 25 years old
- He or She must be incoming freshmen or Continuing Student
- Must be a Senior High School graduate with an average Grade of at least 80%
- Currently enrolled in college, The previous semester to the application must be at least 80%
- HE or She must be a member of the IP or Indigenous Cultural Communities and
- Muslims residing in the watershed areas:
- Toril
- Tugok
- Baguio
- Calinan and
- Marilog Districtts
DCWD College Scholarship Documents Required
Here are the Douments required to apply DCWD College Scholarship
- Certificate signed by the tribal chieftain
- Certificate from the NCIP – National Commission on Indigenous People or NCMF – National Commission on Muslim Filipino (Whichever is applicable)
- Must have an Annual Househod income of P120,000 not Exceeding
- Compliance to the qualifying requirements of USEP and
- Barangay Clearance
How to Apply DCWD College Scholarship
To apply for the DCWD Scholarship please contact the DCWD Community Relation Diviision thru 235-3293 local 1621.
10. DOST Scholarship
DOST – Department of Science and Technology DOST – SEI announced the opening of Scholarhsip applicaiton and availability for undergraduate scholarship program, RA 7687 and Merit to his Senior High School Students who wish to pursue 4 to 5 Years Courses in S&T Field For SY 2023 – 2024
DOST Scholarship requirements
Find the DOST Scholarship requirements for senior high school, requirements for master’s Degree, requirements for incoming college students:
- Graduating Grade 12 Students in SY 2022 – 2023
- All the Students belonging to the STEM Class
- Non-STEM Strand : He or She must be in the top 5% of the Graduating Class, if they belonging to Non-STEM Strand
- Graduate of Grade 12 Before SY 2023 – 2023 and didnt enroll in College Yet
- All the Students belonging to the STEM Class
- Non-STEM Strand : He or She must be in the top 5% of the Graduating Class, if they belonging to Non-STEM Strand
- Must be citizen of Filipino
- He or She must be Good moral Character
- They should be in Good Health
- He or She must Not have any post-secondary college or Vocational units.
DOST Scholarship Benefits
Here are the benefits of DOST Scholarship, find the benefits of DOST Scholarship
- Monthly living Allowance of P7,000.00/month
- Tuition and other school fees P40,000.00 per year
- Book Allowance of P10,000 per Year
- Clothing Allowance of P1,000.00 will be given only for 1st Semester for First year only
- Thesis Allowance of P10,000.00
- Premium Group Health and Accident Insurance
- Transportation Allowance for those who are studying outside of the Home Province – 1 economy class roundtrip fare
- If Required per Curriculum – Summer Allowance will be given
- Tuition fee – P1500.00
- Monthly Allowance will be given for 2 months and
- Graduation Clothing Allowance of P1,000.00
DOST Scholarship How to Apply?
Those who are interested to apply DOST Scholarship may visit the official website through this link https://ugrad.science-scholarships.ph/#/register. Submit the application with all required information.
11. STI College Scholarship
STI College Scholarship is Open and accepting applications for all eligible Filipino students, This Scholarship is a good opportunity for all:
- Grade 11 incoming Students,
- SHS – Senior High School students and
- First year College Students.
STI Scholarship allowance
STI College Scholarship provides allowance as follows
- Full or Partial scholarship to the deserving students
- No Grade Requirements are to be met to be part of this scholarship
- Apply Scholarship by submiting online Applicaiton
STI College Scholarship Requirements
Students who are incoming Grade 11 and First Year College Students may apply for STI College Scholarship if they meet the Qualification requirements.
- HE or She who have completed Grade 10 and Grade 12 Graduates form any of the DepEd-Recognized Public or Private High Schools
- He or she must be Incoming Grade 11 and First year College Students for the Year 2023 to 2024
- No Grade Requirements for Eligible to apply STI College Scholarship Program.
- Must take exam at their Preferred STI College Campus to Qualify for the Scholarship.
- Scholarship Grant shall be applied only at STI College Campus Where the Scholarship Applicant Took the Exam.
STI Scholarship benefits
STI College Scholarship Benefits – Full or Partial scholarship to the deserving students
How to Apply STI College Scholarship Program
Those who are willing to apply STI College Scholarship Program may submit application by visiting STI Online Application
STI College Scholarship Deadline
The Deadline of STI Scholarship is not updated yet, Scholarship is open now you may submit Applicaiton accordingly
12. Aboitiz College Scholarship
Filipino Students who are looking for Scholarship, Aboitiz Colege Scholarship is now open and accepting application for all incoming Freshman for Current Ungergraduate or a Upcoming Semester.
(ACSP) – According to Aboitiz Foundation, The Aboitiz College Scholarship Program is now Open for the year 2023 to 2024
Aboitiz College Scholarship Program
The Aboitiz College Scholarship Program is based on Helping the Students who are with financial affected and those who are in need of financial support for the Education, Here Aboitiz Provides Financial support for the Students like:
- Tuition Fees
- Clothing Fees
- Living allowance and
- May other financial Supports to the Students.
Aboitiz Scholarship Benefits
Those who are nominated for Aboitiz scholarship will get Scholarship benefit of:
- Full Tuition fee Coverage
- Monthly living allowance
- Latin Honors incentive
- Will get Internship Opportunity
- Annual learning sessions
- Will be given One-time Board Exam Subsidy
- Will be given one-time academic excellence incentive and
- Job offer Opportunity in the Aboitiz Group.
Aboitiz Scholarship Courses Offered
Every Scholarship program have a Courses offered, in Aboitiz Scholarship Program Courses are offered to, find the list
- Accounting
- Engineering
- Computer Science
- Business
- Management
- Finance and
- Communication or a Social Science
- (political Science, Economics and Psychology)
How to apply aboitiz Scholarship
To Apply for Aboitiz College Scholarship Program, click on the Online Aboitiz Application with required Documents
13. Megaworld Scholarship 2023
Megaworld Scholarship Program has been fulfilled may Students dreams who are financial effected, Megaworld is providing Filipino Youth with Quality Education.
Megaworld Foundation Supports 1,000 Scholars in 76 of Partner schools in Metro Manila and Several Provinces.
Megaworld Schoalrship Benefits
The Scholars are provided with:
- Full Tuition Fee
- Monthly allowance
- Other financial Benefits and also
- Career Opportunities in Megaworld after they finish their studies
Megaworld Scholarship requirements
Find the Megaworld Foundation Schoalrship Requirements – For applicants who are incoming freshmen
- Senior high school report of final grade with an average of 85% or eqivalent.
- With 80% Grade in all Subjects
- Passing result form a University entrance Exam
- Letter of admission or ertificate of enrollment.
- Certificate of upper 10% class ranking of Graduating Batch
Megaworld scholarship priority courses
Find the list of priority courses
- Advertising
- Architecture
- Business
- Bulding Management
- Computer Engineering
- Internal Auditing
- Interior Design
- Marketing
- Mechanical and Tourism and Hospitality Management
How to apply Megaworld scholarship program?
To apply you need to follow the information which are given
- Fill out the Online Application wich is available on this website
- Submite the application with supporting Documents
- Follow all the steps to apply scholarship
People also ask (FAQs)
What do you need to qualify for Megaworld?
To qualify Megaworld schoalrship Program your final Grade report in senior high school with average of 85% and with at least 80% Grade in all Subjects can be easily qualify for Scholarship program
Is Hk – Hawak Kamay Scholarhip open to apply?
Yes the HK-Hawak Kamay Scholarship is open to Apply. Hk Scholarship is open until February 28th, 2023.
What are the benefits of hawak kamay?
The Benefits of HK Scholarship are given Below:
- A Scholarship grant of upto 75% Discount in Tution fees and Miscellanous Fees.
- (HK) – Hawak Kamay Scholarship is a 4 years College scholarship program
- He or She may Renew the Scholarship every Semester.
- No Maintain Grades are required to apply HK Scholarship.
Is Security Bank Scholarship Open to Apply?
Yes, Security Bank Scholarship is open now to apply and the dealine is on July 15, 2023, Apply before it ends.
What are the Security Bank Partner Schools?
Here are the 8 partner Schools of Security Bank:
- Ateneo De Manila University
- Chiang Kai Shek College
- De La Salle University – Manila
- Far Eastern University – Manila
- Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Maynila
- Polytechnic University of the Philippines
- University of the Philippines – Diliman
- University of Santo Tomas
What is the Deadline of Security Bank Scholarship?
The Deadline of Security Bank application form is on July 15, 2023
What is the Exam date for DOST Scholarship?
DOST Scholarship Exam date is on March 11th and 12th , 2023
What is the DOST Scholarship 2023 Contact number?
DOST Scholarship Contact numbers are:
Director Tel no – 87759005, Deputy Director Tel no – 87759003, Division Chief Tel no – 83308876 / 83308826, office in charge Tel No – 87107462.