Islamic Development Bank Scholarship (Fully Funded)

The Islamic Development Bank Provide Opportunities for the Students who are in need of Financial support to pursue undergraduate or for First degree Studies

IsDB Scholarship requirements

This are the following IsDB Scholarship requirements and eligibility criteria.

  • Maximum age of 24 years
  • Not an IsDB staff member or Executive Director
  • He or She must complete senior secondary education, with Good Grades in Major science Subjects
  • He or She must provide evidence of language proficiency in the University
  • Privide certificied English or French Translation of all Documents in case they are initially in other languages.
  • He or She must be Medically fit to undergo medical Examination after selection
  • He or She must not live in other Country expect home Country
  • He or She must not have any other scholarship During the Studies.

IsDB Scholarship Benefits

IsDB Scholarship Program Covers the following Benefits:

  • Tuition fees (which are payable to the universities Directly)
  • Monthly allowance
  • Cost of living in the Country of study
  • Books fee
  • Clothing allowance and
  • Cost of Medical treatment (within the University or at the local state hospital)

IsDB Schoalrship may not Cover the amount for:

  • Visa application cost
  • Expenses to Bring or support a Scholar’s Family members
  • Extra courses or training
  • Language training not Provided by the Study program
  • if he have a additional travel during the study program
  • Edcuational equipment ex – Computers
  • Premit residence fee.

IsDB Scholarship countries

Here are the list of University in all the countries:

1.Afghanistan31. Maldives
2. Albania32. Mali
3. Algeria33. Mauritania
4. Azerbaijan34. Morocco
5. Bahrain35. Mozambique
6. Bangladesh36. Niger
7. Benin37. Nigeria
8. Brunei Darussalam38. Oman
9. Burkina Faso39. Pakistan
10. Cameroon40. Palestine
11. Chad41. Qatar
12. Comoros42. Saudi Arabia
13. Cote d’Ivoire43. Senegal
14. Djibouti44. Sierra Leone
15. Egypt45. Somalia
16. Gabon46. Sudan
17. Gambia47. Suriname
18. Guinea48. Syria
19. Guinea Bissau49. Tajikistan
20. Guyana50. Togo
21. Indonesia51. Tunisia
22. Iran52. Turkey
23. Iraq53. Turkmenistan
24. Jordan54. Uganda
25. Kazakhstan55. United Arab Emirates
26. Kuwait56. Uzbekistan
27. Kyrghyz57. Yemen
28. Lebanon 
29. Libya 
30. Malaysia 
IsDB Scholarship countries

IsDB Scholarship 2023 last date

Last date to apply IsDB Schoalrship is on 15th May 2023, Submit the Applicaiton before it ends.

IsDB Scholarship Course offered:

Find the IsDB Scholarship Program Course’s:

  1. Medicine
  2. Engineering
  3. Agriculture
  4. Dentistry
  5. Pharmacy
  6. Veterinary Science
  7. Nursing
  8. Nutrition Study
  9. Computer Science and
  10. Forestry and
  11. Fishery

How to Apply IsDB Bank Scholarship?

To Apply for IsDB Bank Scholarship you must clink on the link IsDB Bank Scholarship Portal, Submit online application with supporting Documents apply before Deadline.

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People also ask (FAQs)

Who is Eligible for IsDB Bank Scholarship?

He or She must be a Citizen of any IsDB member Countries or Muslim communities in non-member countries. He or she must have a minimum of 70% in bachelor studies, GPA. Choose a field to study which is listed in the IsDB Scholarship program.

What is the Benefits of IsDB Scholarhsip program?

Find the Benefits of IsDB Scholarship Program:

  • Tuition fees (which are payable to the universities Directly)
  • Monthly allowance
  • Cost of living in the Country of study
  • Books fee
  • Clothing allowance and
  • Cost of Medical treatment (within the University or at the local state hospital)

What is the full name of IsDB?

The Full Name of IsDB is – Islamic Development Bank.

islamic development bank scholarship eligible countries?

IsDB Scholarship eligibile Countries are listed below:

  • United Kingdom (UK),
  • Denmark,
  • Canada,
  • Turkey,
  • Tunisia,
  • Morocco,
  • Malaysia,
  • Uzbekistan and
  • Philippines.

(Source IsDB)

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