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DOST Scholarship Application | Requirements and Benefits
DOST – Department of Science and Technology DOST – SEI announced the opening of Scholarhsip applicaiton and availability for undergraduate scholarship program, RA 7687 and Merit to his Senior High School Students who wish to pursue 4 to 5 Years Courses in S&T Field For SY 2023 – 2024
You can find Detailed information on how to apply DOST Scholarship, Benefits and Requirements. Read the article for more Details Good Luck!
DOST Scholarship requirements
Find the DOST Scholarship requirements for senior high school, requirements for master’s Degree, requirements for incoming college students:
- Graduating Grade 12 Students in SY 2022 – 2023
- All the Students belonging to the STEM Class
- Non-STEM Strand : He or She must be in the top 5% of the Graduating Class, if they belonging to Non-STEM Strand
- Graduate of Grade 12 Before SY 2023 – 2023 and didnt enroll in College Yet
- All the Students belonging to the STEM Class
- Non-STEM Strand : He or She must be in the top 5% of the Graduating Class, if they belonging to Non-STEM Strand
- Must be citizen of Filipino
- He or She must be Good moral Character
- They should be in Good Health
- He or She must Not have any post-secondary college or Vocational units.
DOST Scholarship Benefits
Here are the benefits of DOST Scholarship, find the benefits of DOST Scholarship
- Monthly living Allowance of P7,000.00/month
- Tuition and other school fees P40,000.00 per year
- Book Allowance of P10,000 per Year
- Clothing Allowance of P1,000.00 will be given only for 1st Semester for First year only
- Thesis Allowance of P10,000.00
- Premium Group Health and Accident Insurance
- Transportation Allowance for those who are studying outside of the Home Province – 1 economy class roundtrip fare
- If Required per Curriculum – Summer Allowance will be given
- Tuition fee – P1500.00
- Monthly Allowance will be given for 2 months and
- Graduation Clothing Allowance of P1,000.00
DOST Scholarship 2023 Courses list
You can find list of Courses offered by DOST Scholarship Program:
- Aeronautical Engineering
- Aerospace Engineering
- Agribusiness
- Agribusiness Management
- Agribusiness Management and Entrepreneurship
- Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering
- Agricultural Biotechnology
- Agricultural Chemistry
- Agricultural Economics
- Agricultural Engineering
- Agricultural Technology
- Agriculture
- Animal Husbandry
- Animal Science
- Applied Mathematics
- Applied Mathematics major in Mathematical Finance
- Applied Physics
- Applied Physics with Applied Computer System
- Applied Physics with Materials Science and Engineering
- Marine Biology
- Applied Statistics
- Architecture
- Astronomy
- Astronomy Technology
- Bachelor in Technology and Livelihood Education with Specialization in Information and Communications Technology
- Mechanical Engineering
- Mechatronics Engineering
- Bachelor of Library and Information Science
- Bachelor of Secondary Education major in Science
- Biochemistry
- Biology
- Ceramics Engineering
- Chemical Engineering
- Chemistry
- Chemistry with Applied Computer Systems
- Chemistry with Materials Science and Engineering
- Civil Engineering
- Clothing Technology
- Community Nutrition
- Computer Engineering
- Computer Science
- Doctor of Veterinary Medicine
- Electrical Engineering
- Electronics and Communications Engineering
- Electronics Engineering
- Environmental Science
- Fisheries
- Food Technology
- Forestry
- Geodetic Engineering
- Geography
- Geology
- Geothermal Engineering
- Health Science
- Human Biology
- Industrial Design
- Industrial Engineering
- Industrial Management Engineering-Information Technology
- Industrial Pharmacy
- Information and Communications Technology
- Information System
- Information Technology
- Information Technology Systems
- Instrumentation and Control Engineering
- Life Sciences
- Management Information Systems
- Manufacturing Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering-Management-Biomedical Engineering
- Manufacturing Engineering-Management-Mechatronics and Robotics
- Marine Science
- Materials Engineering
- Mathematics
- Mathematics and Science Teaching
- Mathematics Teaching
- Medical Laboratory Science
- Medical Technology
- Metallurgical Engineering
- Meteorology
- Microbiology
- Mining Engineering
- Molecular Biology and Biotechnology
- Nutrition
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Packaging Engineering
- Petroleum Engineering
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Pharmacy (4-year program)
- Pharmacy major in Clinical Pharmacy (5-year program)
- Physics
- Psychology
- Public Health
- Science Teaching (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Physical Science, Biology and Chemistry, Science)
- Speech Pathology
- Statistics
- 1at UP System only
- 24 yrs, ADMU
- 3at DLSU only
- 4BS Program
DOST Scholarship Application Period
The Application of DOST Scholarship is on September 19th, 2022 to December 2nd , 2022 Which follows each year.
DOST Scholarship Exam date
The Dost Scholarship Qualifying Exam date is on March 11th and 12th , 2023 Best of Luck!
DOST Scholarship How to Apply?
Those who are interested to apply DOST Scholarship may visit the official website through this link https://ugrad.science-scholarships.ph/#/register. Submit the application with all required information.
People also ask (FAQs)
Is Dost Scholarship Still Open?
Yes, The DOST Scholarship is open now and accepting application the Deadline of application is on December 2nd 2022, Apply scholarship with supporting documents.
What is the Benefits of DOST Scholarship?
The Benefits of DOST Scholarship are:
- Monthly living Allowance of P7,000.00/month
- Tuition and other school fees P40,000.00 per year
- Book Allowance of P10,000 per Year
- Clothing Allowance of P1,000.00 will be given only for 1st Semester for First year only
- Thesis Allowance of P10,000.00
- Premium Group Health and Accident Insurance
- Transportation Allowance for those who are studying outside of the Home Province – 1 economy class roundtrip fare
- If Required per Curriculum – Summer Allowance will be given
- Tuition fee – P1500.00
- Monthly Allowance will be given for 2 months and
- Graduation Clothing Allowance of P1,000.00
What is the Exam date for DOST Scholarship?
DOST Scholarship Exam date is on March 11th and 12th , 2023
What is the DOST Scholarship 2023 Contact number?
DOST Scholarship Contact numbers are:
Director Tel no – 87759005, Deputy Director Tel no – 87759003, Division Chief Tel no – 83308876 / 83308826, office in charge Tel No – 87107462.
(Source DOST)